This layout encompasses 3 challenges. Two of which are from TS and the other one is from Michelle at Fisk-a-Teers!!
1. Cristal's, aka Pinky, challenge is in celebration of Cinco de Mayo and directs us to use something with 5's. So, my 5 word title is "Just Call Me Mr. Fix-it." I am counting fix-it as one word.
2. Debbie's challenge is to create a layout about motherhood. I chose to do another lo about my grandson. He not only fills my life with wonderful memories, he causes me to remember precious moments with my children, Tyler and Aymee. Debbie also asked that a heart be included, so if you look closely at the critter in the lower right hand corner, you will notice a small heart.
3. Michelle at Fisk-a-teers challenged us to "Stick 'em up!" This means to use stickers to help tell the story of the layout. I used 2 small cars and some shiny tools. The tools can be seen in the hands of the critter and in Carter's hand in the pic at the bottom of the page.
Yes, Carter is under the truck with one of Popaw Ron's tools acting out his vivid imagination. We always watch him carefully, and would never allow him to do that unless we were there to keep an eye on him.
These pics aren't very clear, but hopefully you will be able to distinguish the various elements on the page.
It is adorable!!!
This is soooooo cute Mom! I LOVE it!!!
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